Monday, June 16, 2014

Thoughts on Trainz

I wonder if I can figure out a way to use this web site to store notes and "tech tips" on how to use the Trainz program.
Features that I want:

  • The ability to search by subject
  • The ability to include small pictures or diagrams in any posting
  • A means of having a content list, almost like a table of content or a book index of various "articles" that I might write.
  • I don't want this to be organized by date, as the standard "Blog" is organized.
I was looking at other "free web hosting" sites and don't see many that make sense to use.  The "Google Sites" might work, I used that when I worked at GTS, as an internal documentation site for some of my stuff.  Also a simple Wiki might work, but I don't want to have to install a set of Wiki software on my home system.  Besides that somewhat limits the format that I can use.  Although it is searchable.

Need to think on this and try stuff.

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Kirsten's Birthday

Sunday, january 5th - this is Kirsten's 40th birthday,  WOW does that ever make me seem old.  Darrel organzed a small surprise party last night.  Heather and Chuck drove up from Libertyville (Chicagoland),  Judi, James & I drove out Yesterday afternoon.  Since we stayed at the same motel as H&C we all went out to PaddyRrans for a nice Irish Pub dinner before going to the home of Laumann to surprise the birthday girl. 
This morning we all went back to K&D's house for breakfast, and to open the Christmas presents that were missed when H&C were too sick to drive up to DePere  2 weeks ago. 
All in all a very successful weekend

Friday, January 3, 2014

Maybe I should remember to put a title on my posts

Looks like I forgot the title on the last couple of posts.  This is just more stuff that I gotta try to remember.  It's bad enough that I gotta try to remember to post something, or maybe anything.   Now I gotta have a title too.  sheesh!

Anyway Friday the 3rd, was a pretty do nothing day.  We ran over to the grocery store in late morning.  Bumped into James' friend Ryan and chatted for a few minutes.  Then came home and I made clam chowder from scratch.  I should have used more clams in it, but already had one big can of the silly things, it just needed even more.  Remind me one of these days to try doing a video of makin' this.

For dinner, a salmon filet baked with butter and lime slices.  Another one that should be a video.

I watched a bunch of videos from

Funny but I am Catholic, so why watch this?  Pretty simple really, Jesus was a Jew!  Also, I grew up with many Jews, my dad's partner, Kurt Loser was Jewish, and almost half my grade school class was Jewish.  I used hear alot about them, and have always had some interest in that group of people.  Should one think of Jews as a group of people because of "race" or "ethnicity", or should one think of them as a religion in the same way one thinks of Catholic, Lutheran, Methodist, Budist?  I don't know.  But this Rabbi Wein gives nice short explanations of the Jewish people that are easy to understand.

I remember hearing that Kurt Loser's family had been in the wine business in Germany before the war, WWII that is.  Anyway he was smart enough to realize that Hitler was not going to be good for Germany and "escaped" or emigrated to the US, leaving Germany only three days after Hitler became chancellor in 1933.  I don't remember much else of the story,  my dad had told it when I was quite young.  But anyway Dad and Kurt both ended up being sales reps for WH Kranz comany in Milwaukee, and eventually broke off on their own to form Lohall Enterprises.   That is another long story that I will save for another day.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

January the tooth!  OK - I have remembered now for the second day to open up and put something into Blogger.  Yesterday I provided a link to my Crackling Cornbread video, but that was before I realized that I had a problem with that video.  So I deleted the video from YouTube, corrected the video, and re-uploaded.
The correct link is:
It's early in the day on Thursday, so the only thing to comment on so far is that it is bloody cold outside again!

This morning I made up a batch of buckwheat pancake batter, mixed in some maple syrup and about a half pound of cooked breakfast sausage, and then baked everything in a muffin pan.  Not bad, I think if I do this again, it will do half buckwheat, and half regular or buttermilk pancake.  It was a bit on the heavy side.  But the basic taste was pretty decent.

Judi & I might wander down to the Fox River Mall today, just for a change of scenery, and we can walk indoors considering the temperature to day.

Finally, I need to try to get one last video edited from the cooking I did over the last few days.  I've still not edited nor posted to YT, the "Wisconsin Jambalaya" video.  Come back tomorrow to see if I got that done or not.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

New Year's Day - 2014 !

Happy new year to all of my (actually only me) blog followers.  Maybe if I would post more than once every 5 or 6 months, some one would stumble across this and follow it.  I may try to do something new, to get my readership up.  I will see if I can embed in this a link to my youtube videos.  And then in YouTube, embed a link to this.  This might be the perfect place to do a textual expansion of a few videos.  Particularly I am thinking of putting the recipes for my food / cooking videos over here, as opposed to typing the recipe as part of the video description.

What do all my followers think of this fine idea?

I took a quick poll of followers, and it seems that there is strong support for this concept.  So beginning with this post, I will try to be more consistent with my blog posts and I will try to use this as a means to expand upon my YouTube videos.

My first video insert will be Pulled Pork on the Weber Snowy Mountain Smoker.

I did the smoking on the Friday between Christmas and New Years 2013.  So we could serve pulled pork at the family get together for Judi's side of the clan.

Second I am posting today, because I didn't get the editing done until today, the video that I made about two weeks ago of making Crackling Cornbread.  Even though I used Bacon instead of Cracklings.  Here is that video: