Monday, June 16, 2014

Thoughts on Trainz

I wonder if I can figure out a way to use this web site to store notes and "tech tips" on how to use the Trainz program.
Features that I want:

  • The ability to search by subject
  • The ability to include small pictures or diagrams in any posting
  • A means of having a content list, almost like a table of content or a book index of various "articles" that I might write.
  • I don't want this to be organized by date, as the standard "Blog" is organized.
I was looking at other "free web hosting" sites and don't see many that make sense to use.  The "Google Sites" might work, I used that when I worked at GTS, as an internal documentation site for some of my stuff.  Also a simple Wiki might work, but I don't want to have to install a set of Wiki software on my home system.  Besides that somewhat limits the format that I can use.  Although it is searchable.

Need to think on this and try stuff.