Saturday, April 6, 2013

Only 4 weeks, according to this system, since last I posted.  Today is the first Saturday of April, and its cool and gloomy outside.  My arm has been making pretty steady progress, although I still take pain pills at night, I can go all day without any.  I do notice that range of motion continues to improve, and I bet that if I were more diligent about my exercises and stretching that it would be even better.

Well being the weekend, Judi is doing homework and laundry, so I am about to head out the door and do the grocery shoping - whoopee how exciting.

I really should put more interesting, more philosophical stuff into this blog - and I really should do this more often if it is to be of any benefit to me, let alone any unfortunate person who happens to stumble upon my incoherent ramblings.