Sunday, March 27, 2022

The 4th sunday of Lent, 2022

See how easy blogger has been,    didnt even think to use it at all for the last week or so.  So much for creating new habits to do this.
A few other random thoughts.  some how I have managed to put this blog post into Italics, I wonder how I did that.  Lets see: Well.... since im on my tablet, and using theoyb tablet real keyboard, the ctrl-I key togles italics.  I wish there was  a way to turn off the track pad of that keyboard, as I keep hitting it with my thumb, and moving my cursor around the screen.  GRRRRR

Ive been listening to a civil war podcast, and oftern they reference diaries written by soldiers or others of that time period.  I ve never kept a diary, although I suppose a blog is sort of like a diary, except being on the web, it could be discovered and read by others if it is set to allow others to find and read it.  since at this point I am not putting anything confidential in here, I dont care if this is seen by others.
I tried the tab key just now, it moves me out of the text area and cycles thru other "buttons" on the screen.  I was hoping to be able to change the format of this to allow indenting of the first line of a paragraph, kind of the way it is done in books, or the way it was taught when I was younger.  Now people just put a blank line between paragraphs, a method that I dont like.

Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Is BLOGGER really easy to use?

 I wish I could answer that question.  Maybe if I keep playing with it, maybe if I continue to use it on a regular basis.  But as of now the answer is - not really.  
Yes, I can easily post a comment (like this one) to my blog.
But try changing the "theme", or adding another blog that I want to follow to my profile, or changing the color of the text.  (my text looks fine when I'm on a computer using a browser, but when I'm on my tablet using the blogger app, the text seems to disappear into the background of my site.)😕

So I'm going to try playing with this some more, and maybe I will get the hang of it.

I tried using "WordPress", but that is even more confusing, I understand that it is much more powerful, but wow is it overly complex.  I have a background in programming (AS/400 systems from IBM) but that doesn't seem to help me with WordPress.  So for now I am sticking with Blogger (a Google product).  I also don't fully understand the difference between "Blogger"  and "Blogspot", I thought (probably incorrectly) when I signed up for this site back in the dark ages, that Blogger and Blogspot were the same thing, obviously they are not, but who knew.

Well enough ramblings for today.

Tuesday, March 15, 2022

First attempt to post a link to a sharable WIF file

 OK here I go with an attempt to create a blogger post that will contain a link to a sharable google drive file which is really an *.wif file which should be loadable into any weaving software.

The file is set up for sharing with anyone who has the link, so someone else should be able to click on this and then down load the wif file

Here is the link:
sample wif file

and now I m gonna publish this and see if I can download it using a different gmail address.

Is there anything in my very very seldom blog posts that indicates that I am a handweaver?

If so, its not much.

So what if I tried to keep some record of my weaving projects on here?

I need to think about this, and if there would also be a way to post WIF files and Pictures of my projects.  This may take a bit of doing and discerning.

I wonder if I can add a picture to this:

Well that worked, this photo came from my google pictures.